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Legal Notice

You are currently connected to the Website of the SGFG, whose head office is located at Boulevard Bourgogne 6th Casablanca.

The website of the SGFG is normally accessible 24:00 over 24:00 and 7 days a week.

In the event of major force, data-processing difficulties, difficulties related to the structure of the telecommunication networks or technical difficulties, for reasons of maintenance, without

this list not being exhaustive, the access has all or left the site could be suspended or removed on simple decision of the SGFG.

The website is suitable for modification and evolutions without notification of any kind.

The access to the site of the SGFG is free, except Internet access providers and costs of telephone calls which are invoiced directly by the operators.

For any comment or information request on the operation of the site, please contact the Webmaster : [email protected] 


The presentation and the contents of this site constitute an original work protected by the laws and international treaties in force on the intellectual property and in particular by those on the close copyrights and right, drawings, models and marks.

Company names, as well as the slogans containing the word the SGFG, drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences sound or not, and other documentations represented on this website are, except particular indication, of the registered trademarks by the SGFG or are objects of property rights industrial and/or intellectual and are property of the SGFG.

Pursuant to the Moroccan Code of the Intellectual property and, more generally, treaties and international agreements into force comprising relative tendencies with protection of the copyrights, you will avoid reproducing for a use other than deprived, selling, distributing, emitting, diffusing, adapting, modifying, publishing, communicating completely or partially, in some form that it is, the data, the presentation or the organization of the site or protected works by the copyright which is reproduced on this website without particular written authorization and precondition of the holder of the copyright attached to work, the presentation or the organization of the site or the reproduced data.

You will also avoid introducing data on the website which would modify or which would be likely to modify the contents or the appearance of the data, the presentation or the organization of the site or works being reproduced on the website of the SGFG and by some processes that it is.

In the same way, any reproduction, use and/or modification which would be made by it without the prior consent and writing of the SGFG are likely to constitute the counterfeit of it.

The reproduction of all documents published on the site is only authorized for exclusive purposes of information for a personal use and deprived, on condition that not removing the mentions relating to the copyright or other mentions concerning the intellectual property laws. This private use by no means confers any right on these documents.

Access terms and use :

The SGFG opened this site for the personal information of its users, customers and not-customers. Navigation on this site is subjected to the regulations in force and the present conditions of use.

The people who reach the information put at disposal by the SGFG on her website accept the present rules.

Discharge from responsibility

While at the same time we took all the steps to ensure us of the reliability of the contained information on this website, the SGFG cannot incur any liability for errors, of omissions, or for the results which could be obtained by the use of this information. In particular, the use of hyperlinks can lead your consultation of our site towards other waiters to become acquainted with sought information, waiters on which the SGFG does not have any control.

Information on the products and services presented on site SGFG

The contained information in this site, just like on the various bonds to which they can return, could not be regarded as binder by contract the SGFG.

Indeed, none information appearing on this site could be regarded as a service offering or products emanating of SGFG.

Moreover, the whole of the products, processes and programs presented within the framework of the site cannot not be proposed in each country.

Consequently, the user admits using this information under his exclusive responsibility.

The SGFG declines any responsibility as for the contents for these pages and the use which could be made by whoever about it.

In addition, information being reproduced on the site of the SGFG does not constitute a council of use. Any decision of investment must be corroborated by a relevant, specific council and professional of the persons in charge of the SGFG.

Any person eager to get one of the services presented on this site is requested to contact the SGFG in order to get informed about the availability of the service in question as well as contractual conditions and tariffs which are applicable for him.

Hyperlinks and virus

The contents placed at the disposal on this site are provided on a purely informative basis.

The existence of a bond of site SGFG towards another site does not constitute a validation of this site or its contents. It is up to the Net surfer to use this information with understanding and critical spirit. The responsibility for the editor could not be committed as for the information, opinions and recommendations made by these thirds.

One is reminded that expressly the SGFG has any control nor no responsibility as for creation for bonds towards sites external with SGFG and the contents of the aforesaid sites.

Also, any connection to another site, via a hyperlink, is a personal choice of the Net surfer and, is so carried out under its only responsibility. Consequently, any direct or indirect damage resulting from this access to another site connected by a hyperlink could not engage the responsibility for the SGFG.

It is up to the Net surfer to take the precautions necessary to make sure that the selected site is not infested a virus or of all other parasitizes of destructive nature.

To in no case and generally, the SGFG could not be held responsible for the direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of its site or other sites which are dependant for him.

Personal data

The SGFG collects information coming from the visitors of the website by means of questionnaires being reproduced on the website. This information makes it possible to answer your information requests.

The personal information which are thus collected limit to those which are necessary to contact you (such as your name, your first name, the heading of your profession, the name and the address of your company, your e-mail, telephones and fax).

You can send e-mail to the addresses indicated on the Web site.

Each message will contain your Internet address and all the additional information which you will wish to include in the message.

You are informed that at the time of your visits on the website, a mechanism of follow-up of navigation can be implemented. Personal information concerning to you is intended for company SGFG. To in no case, the SGFG will not yield this information to a third, except explicit request of the user.

Your passage on the site causes the creation of a cookie of session. This one records relative information with the navigation of your computer on our site (consulted pages, the etc, date and consulting hour), which we will be able to read at the time of your later visits. The shelf life of this cookie in your computer is 30 minutes. You have the possibility of opposing to you to the recording of these cookies by modifying the parameters of safety of your browser.

By communicating their coordinates, the Net surfers accept that the editor their address informations either by telephone, or by e-mail or simple postal mail. Nevertheless, they can by mail, to mean with the editor their opposition to receive the aforementioned information.